Don’t the Police Have Something Better to Do?

Instead of trapping decent and honest citizens who might be driving a smidge too fast, the public would be better served if the police …

Dunkin Donuts will periodically introduce new flavours to their offering. How do we know they’re good? How do we know they’re safe? The police could be very useful in providing a critical review.

Flagrant misuse of the express lines at super market check-outs. It’s about time “John Law” stepped in to enforce express lane limits and eradicate this scourge.

It’s against the law to remove tags from mattresses. When was the last time your mattress was checked? It’s time for a house by house search.

Are you bothered by those nasty birds that crap on your car? Or what about those damned Canadian Geese that treat our beaches and golf courses like a private litter box? And what about this bird flu stuff? It’s time that the police take action. Shoot them all… the pigeons, the crows, the Canadian Geese & those detestable sparrows. It will help improve the line officer’s markmanship skills

See that filthy pigeon begging for food from that little kid near the park bench? Blast him! Straighten the cap, button that shirt, shine those shoes & kill that bird! That’s what we expect from our men and women in blue!

What do you think?

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2 Responses to Don’t the Police Have Something Better to Do?

  1. Philip says:

    “You have the right to remain silent, anything you say or do, Jimbo, can be held against you in a court of law. You have the right to retain an attorney…..”

  2. Donna says:

    Perhaps if certain people weren’t speeding, albeit slightly past the limit, police officers would have the time to enforce the mattress tag law.

    Just out of curiosity, have you considered leaving the wine world and joining the police force?

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