Advanced Joking

This joke is only available if you have previously completed the segments on “Accent Jokes”, “Jokes of the Southern Hemisphere” & the Seminar “Rubber Barf: Marvel of the 20th Century.”

Or… for those humor seekers who have not lost the collegiate spirit of dodging course requirements, you may read the enclosed only if pay a small indulgence (hey, it was good enough for the Renaissance Popes, it works for me, too).

Onward and upward… to the land of Ethnic Humor. And let me say, right away… if you can’t laugh at ethnic humor you may as well cash in your chips right now… you are probably the same type of person who thinks that someone who slips on a banana peel is not funny… further, you are probably leading a very unfulfilling life & have trouble ordering the right wine for dinner.

The important thing to remember about ethnic humor is that no group is sacred… everyone is open game. I am sure that if we try hard enough we can find many examples of folks who run counter to the stereotypes that provide the source for every ethnic joke… my point: why bother? Life is complicated as it is…

And, without further delay (because we all lead busy lives)…


A Pole was suffering horribly from a horrific case of constipation and went to see his Doctor. The Doctor prescribed suppositories.

A week later the Pole called the Doctor and said that he was still suffering, that the suppositories hadn’t produced the desired results.

“Have you been taking them regularly?” the Doctor asked.

“Of course I have!! What do you think I’ve been doing? Shoving them up my ass?”

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