Walk By Open Windows



I have decided against slashing my wrists (that course of action will be saved, if, and only if, the Jets win the Super Bowl).

Although I pretty much feel like I did the “morning after” in 1968. It is what I term a “political hangover”… which is to say a hangover with out the benefit of booze.

I have also decided to modify some of my thinking… I am now in favor of unleashing Chang Kai Shek against the Mainland. I welcome Generalissimo Franco’s support for our effort in Iraq. I think that rye bread, pumpernickel and all those foreign breads should be removed from the market shelves… they are undermining our Country’s strength.

I also think it is OK to pray in School; but only if you pray to get laid. In fact it’s permissible to pray to get laid anywhere, anytime (including while stopped at a red light… no, not that type of a red light).

I also support Universal National Service, particularly if it means there are more cash lanes at the Triboro Bridge Toll Booth.

Yeah… there’s an ‘ol sheriff in town & I’m on board!

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