Mom’s Yartzheit

In many ways Sandy is a blessing in my life. Sandy pays close attention to honoring the memory of her family members that have passed away. And she has been kind enough to add Mom, Dad & Mommie Soph to the list of departed family… family to be honored with the lighting of a memorial candle (and an extra candle to the memory of an unknown Holocaust person who may not have someone to light a candle).

And tonight I will light a candle to Mom’s memory (and also to a Holocaust victim). If the date is incorrect, it is only because I have given Sandy an incorrect date to enter into her calendar. Regardless, a candle will be lit.

And I think I am going to peruse my “memory shelf” and select an item to take down, dust off and turn into the light.

Let’s see… this is something small. And it also included Mommie Soph and Bessie. Location: Mom’s bedroom. Time: late evening, after 10:00pm & certainly around my bedtime. That old TV in the room was probably on. And the ladies were sharing a favorite 25 Alston Ave night time snack. A buttered Kaiser roll with sardines, onion & tomato.

This, by the way, was not a single occurrence event. I watched it unfold several times. I had no interest in this concoction initially, but their enjoyment of this snack became too seductive. And there came an evening that I asked for a sandwich to be prepared for me, too. Although my first dip into these waters may have been sans sardines. Eventually I came around to the full sandwich. And honestly, I can’t recall having it since.

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