Artifacts From the Study

We move from place to place to place.  Homes are sold, we move on.  And wherever we may land there may be a few items transported with us from where we began, to our next nest.  It could be a painting, a clock, a figurine or some bibelot that has sentimental value.  Some of these treasures can be further divided amongst our issue, as they fledge our nests and set up shop elsewhere.

And so it was on my recent visit to Zack’s flat in Torrance, CA that I espied 4 curios on his bookshelf that I place originally on a bookshelf of the study adjacent to Paul’s (and then my) bedroom at 25 Alston Ave.  And for all I know, these artifacts may trace even further back to Orange St.?

Clearly the gruff looking baseball player was brought to the study by Paul, and probably dates back to pre-Alston Ave.  The three dinosaurs most likely entered via me, courtesy of Yale’s Peabody Museum (or, again, maybe Paul also fancied Dinos?).  Dinosaur reproductions available today in terms of detail and accuracy have totally eclipsed what we had in the 50s.  But these Dinosaurs made from lead have a presence, inaccurate though they may be, that is absent in the plastic renditions of today.

It warmed me to see a small measure of continuity on a distant bookshelf in Torrance.

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