
My friend Teri Ahrens’ Son-in-Law had been in the Service… and we really didn’t talk much about politics… sure concerns were there… she about Brandon, and I certainly felt Zack was at risk if the draft were re-instituted.

When Brandon was mustered out, I thought it would be ok to share some ideas with her:

Just a thought… aren’t you glad that Brandon is out of the Middle East & out of the military?

This is nuts… you would think the mistakes that the French made in Indochina, the mistakes we made in Viet Nam, the mistakes the Soviets made in Afghanistan would still be fresh in people’s minds.

Nooooooo… we have the Dick Cheneys, Don Rumsfeld’s & the Brat Bush trying to prove their manhood by flexing our Country’s miltary muscle… as if somehow this can even the score with 40 noodniks (and certainly well less than 100) who could organize crashing 4 planes in our country… so how much money can we spend, how many men can we put into uniform, employing fancy shmancy high tech ordinance to combat this threat? You tell me…

This is not fighting the Germans in WWII… this is not fighting the Japanese in WWII… these guys don’t go into battle under a flag, they don’t wear distinctive uniforms so we can tell them apart from the civilian population (we had that problem in Viet Nam, remember?)… they don’t drive tanks (because they don’t have them), they don’t fly war planes (because they don’t have them), they don’t have a navy…

Yet they kill our people every day.

So our esteemed President & his Father before him, got us all in a bother because of some sleazeball dictator with a fucking big mouth (who the CIA probably has been supporting for decades) is making threats & had to be taken seriously… The U.N. couldn’t find anything… Jesus Christ — WE CAN’T FIND ANYTHING!!! You would think that we would at least have the creativity to plant some Godamned evidence! Noooo!

And now we are to bring Liberty and our benevolent form of Democracy (which is, as we all know, something every human being who walks this planet deserves… whether they like it or not) to the ever grateful Iraqi people.

We should gather all the living relatives of our men and women who layed down their lives in the Middle East and bring them to an open amphitheatre… then on a hot summer day, with the sun nearing its apex, we will bring George Bush & Dick Cheney to the center, strip them naked, cover them with honey, and stake them on top of red ant hills.

Al Sharpton is looking better and better…

Oh well… maybe it’s just my age… you know, early onset of cantankerousness… pretty soon I will be peeing in my pants.

And for the record… I used to be a Liberal Democrat; but there is a line from Romeo and Juliet that I favor these days… “A plague on both their houses!!”

That’s how I see it from this corner…

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