Recipe Frustration

Do you suffer from RTS (Recipe Trepidation Syndrome) as I do? I do enjoy puttering around in the kitchen.  But I am wary of any recipe that calls for electrical gadgets to be employed in the prep… such as blenders & food processors.  I don’t even use an electrical can opener. I also stay away from obscure ingredients like eye of newt and esoteric devices like the thing that skims fat off of a simmering stew.  Or other bizarre kitchen implements that Williams Sonoma hawk that trace their origins to the torture chambers of the Spanish Inquisition.

From the image below you can see that my favorite New Yorker cartoonist, Roz Chaz, has captured the spirit of my angst.  Although my “recipe back-up” would probably be 2 White Castle sliders, and not a can of tuna.

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Cascina Galarin Barbera ’21 &
Cascina Galarin Arneis ’21 w/Mixed Grill

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Notes from Reggie Shlomo-Whyte… the 19th Hole

Splendid day, isn’t it? Splendid!  And what could be better on a splendid day, splendid afternoon actually, then strolling to the grill room of the club after competing on the course.  18 holes to be exact.  I should note that some holes were played under trying circumstances.  For example, when my ball lay mere inches from several Canada geese turds in the trap protecting the green on the 3rd hole! What club to use?  Why must these despicable fowl treat our sand hazards as a feline litter box!  OR, why is the TP at the privy by the 10th tee the scratchy kind? Never mind… on to the 19th Hole!  I think a brandy smash would “wear” quite nicely, don’t you?


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2020 Via Caritatis Vox Angelorum

Syrah & Grenache blend from Ventoux, Southern Rhône

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